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Guest Information 


Accessibility Standard for Customer Service

Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities

Brantford Golf & Country Club is committed to excellence in serving all members and guests including those individuals with disabilities and will strive to make everyone’s experience enjoyable.

Assistive devices
We will ensure that our staff is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services.

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.

Service animals
We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals.  Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public.

Support persons
A member and guest with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises.  Fees will be applicable on a per situation basis for admission to Brantford Golf & Country Club premises.  We will notify members and guests of this through a notice posted on our premises or this information can be requested directly.

Notice of temporary disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or any area (clubhouse, golf course, back shop and parking lot areas) of our facilities for customers with disabilities, Brantford Golf & Country Club will notify customers promptly.  This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.  The notice will be placed:

  • On all entrances to the clubhouse

  • In the Pro Shop

  • At the shoe room

Training for staff

Brantford Golf & Country Club will provide training to employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on their behalf.

Individuals in the following positions will be trained:

  • All Managers

  • All supervisors

  •  All full-time employees

This training will be provided to staff after they have completed their three (3) month probationary period.

Training will include

  • An overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard.

  • Brantford’s plan related to the customer service standard.

  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.

  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use and assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person.

  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing Brantford Golf & Country Club’s goods and services.

  • Staff will also be trained when changes are made to your plan.

Feedback process
Member and guests who wish to provide feedback on the way Brantford Golf & Country Club provides goods and services to people with disabilities can:

  • Email the Office Manager, Alan Banting, at [email protected]

  • Provide verbal comments to Manager/supervisor on duty

The Brantford Golf and Country Club can and will provide the feedback form in any medium/ format required. Please contact Alan Banting at 519 752 3731 ext. 203 or [email protected] to request a different format than currently posted on our website. All feedback will be directed to the General Manager.  Customers can expect to hear back in three (3) days.  Complaints will be addressed according to our Club’s regular complaint management procedures.

Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disability Act Policy Availability 

A copy of the Brantford Golf and Country Club’s AODA policy can be found on the Clubs website at http:/ Please contact Alan Banting at 519 752 3731 ext. 203 or [email protected] to request a printed copy of our policy.

Modifications to this or other polices

Any policy of Brantford Golf & Country Club that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be reviewed and modified or removed accordingly.

The R&A’s Guide to Golfers with Disabilities:

For the brief click HERE

For the rules breakdown click HERE

For information on equipment permitted for medical reasons click HERE

As passed by the Board of Directors April 18th, 2013

In General
Socks must be worn with shorts and they can be knee length or "ped" style socks. Socks cannot be rolled down to conform.
The club does not permit the wearing of metal spiked golf shoes. Golf sandals are permitted without socks.  Promotional logos on clothing (shirts, sweaters, hats, visors, etc.) are permitted provided they are in good taste and not blatantly large. Hats must be worn with the bill facing forward.
Important: Not all items in the Pro Shop conform to the club dress code. If in doubt, please consult with the Professional Staff.

Men On the Course 
Shirts must have a collar, or a turtleneck or mock style collar and be tucked into the trousers at all times. Tee shirts are not permitted. Tailored shorts are permitted provided they are to the knee, or within 3 inches of the knee. Jeans, track/warmup suits are not permitted.

Women On the Course 
Shirts must have a collar and/or sleeves. No open backs or exposed midriffs. Tailored shorts, skirts or skorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh. Tailored pants and capris are permitted.

Jeans, track/warm up suits, sun dresses, halter tops, and tank tops are prohibited.

It is mandatory that the ringers of all cell phones be turned off while on the golf course. Use of a cell phone or other device should never slow play.

The Brantford Golf & Country Club is a private member-only facility. Guests must be accompanied by a member or have reciprocal privileges from a recognized club.

If you are arriving for a game of golf, you may drive up to the Pro Shop located at the west end of the clubhouse on the driveway roundabout to drop your clubs, then proceed to available parking. Please register your arrival with the Pro Shop.

If you are arriving to dine as the guest of a member, you may park in available parking and proceed to the Terrace Room. If your host has not arrived, you may wait in the R. Bruce Forbes Lounge adjacent to the Terrace Room with its comfortable seating and a variety of interesting Heritage memorabilia.
Heritage and Tradition is important to us!
Unless specifically changed for a particular event, both the Clubhouse and Golf Course require neat, clean presentable clothing including collared shirts with no obvious advertising. In addition there are no hats allowed in dining areas.

A friendly reminder…

 At any Private Golf club there are several rules regarding etiquette that must be observed by each member for the benefit of the membership as a whole and to maintain the condition of the golf course. Being a member of a private golf club, each one of us has a responsibility and an obligation to follow the rules of etiquette to maintain the standards of a Private Golf Club.
Some members may believe that because they pay a reasonable price to be a member that they do not have to do the little things that are required. His or her attitude is, “I pay my money so let someone else do it.” To the contrary, we all have the same obligation in looking after our investment and to ensure that the course is kept in the best playable condition as possible.
The following are some areas that several our members are not doing, maybe because they are not familiar with Golf Course Etiquette, Club Policy, or they do not take the time to do it properly.

Repair Ball marks on the Green – A properly repaired ball mark will heal in three days. If not properly repaired within one half-hour; it will take approximately five weeks to heal. There is only one way to properly repair a ball mark. First, that little ball divot that may be taken out of the green when a ball lands, if replaced, it will not grow, throw it away. Second, when making repair, lift any turned down grass up, then work from the outside the pitch mark in towards the center. Do not dig the center up; this will leave a patch of mud or bare earth. If in doubt of the repair method, ask the Golf Pro or Staff, Greens Superintendent or Staff, or a member of the Golf or Green Committee for a demonstration.

Replace All Divots Taken Out of Turf – Divots not replaced exactly as taken, and not pressed into place, will leave damage to turf.

Green Surface

Spike Mark on Greens - do not drag or pivot your feet on the greens, this will tear and damage the turf and it will also affect other players putting. After putting out, any noticeable marks should be tapped down with your putter head.

Flag Sticks - When removing the flagstick from or placing it back into the cup take care not to damage the cup edge. DO NOT DROP THE FLAGSTICK ON THE GREEN, this can damage the GREEN, or the PRISM that is attached to the top of the flag stick to reflect light to the Laser Links that are used to determine distance to the flag. Either PLACE the flag stick on the green, green apron or off the green.
Do Not use your putter head for removing your ball from the cup on the green, this can damage the cup.
Do not stand or walk on the line of another player’s line of putt or stand behind or down the line of another player while they are putting.

Rake Sand Traps - All holes in traps should be raked smooth. This does not only include footprints, but also includes the marks made from the ball entering the trap and by the club head when hitting the ball from the trap. The best method of smoothing the sand in a trap; do not place the rake in the sand and pull it towards you. Place the rake on the surface of the sand and push it away from you, this will leave the surface of the sand smooth. Rakes must be placed outside the bunker in the direction of play. Take the extra 10 seconds to thoroughly complete the job and leave it in perfect condition for the next golfer.

Power, Pull & Hand Operated Power Carts

Power Carts - must not be driven within 30 feet of greens and tees and should be driven on paths and roadways as much as possible, keeping all 4 wheels on paths and roadways.
NOTE: Children and juniors are not permitted to operate power carts.

Pull & Hand Operated Power Carts - must be kept off TEES and GREENS.
Please observe all signs and roped areas. Members not abiding by these rules will lose cart privileges.

Teeing Ground - Throughout the golf course, on every tee there are broken tees left by our members. This is quite untidy to look at, but, when they are left there, it can cause damage to the mowers when the ground staff is cutting the tee. On some holes, in particular pars 3s, the ground staff may have placed plastic cups to store broken tees. Sometimes these cups are used by our members but in most cases are not. We ask, please do not leave your broken tees on the teeing area, place them in the cup if one is provided, or at the side of the tee, but do not leave them on the teeing surface.

Practice areas - The lower practice area, the upper Piccolo chipping and practice area and the putting green are all part of the golf course property. The Members Dress Code also applies to these areas the same that applies to the golf course.

Guests of members - Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Each Member without any exceptions is to adhere to these rules of etiquette and should never be annoyed if reminded by another member when you or your guest breaks a rule.
Remember if we all adhered to the above, we would all enjoy our game and our golf course that much more.

Slow play - It has been a standard golf rule that slower players should let faster players play through. Some of the guidelines to fast play are: Always be ready when it is your turn to play, get to your ball and be ready. Always play a provisional ball if it appears that the ball (except in a water hazard) is lost. After looking for a lost ball for one minute and if you play to take the full five-minute rule to find the ball, wave the group behind through.

Method of waving players through - First, wave the players on, ensuring that you stand clear not to get hit with a ball. Second, when the “waved group” are even with you on the fairway, play up with the group until you reach the green. Third, let the “waved group” putt out, then your group should proceed to putt. By the time your group approaches the next tee, the “waved group” should be out of range for your group to hit their tee ball. Following this method, no time is lost. The two groups only change positions and no hold-ups are created on the course.

Please click HERE to view our Guest Information


Guest Play Restriction Times

Members may host up to three guests at a time within the following guest times: 
Monday - Anytime 
Tuesday – 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Wednesday – No Guest Play 
Thursday – Open – 8:30 a.m. & after 10:30 a.m. 
Friday – Anytime 
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays – 1 guest per Member before 11 a.m. After 11 a.m. 3 guests permitted 
18 Holes - $152.55 inclusive
9 Holes - $76.28 inclusive
18 Hole Cart – $28.00 inclusive
9 Hole Cart - $14 inclusive
Twilight Fee (after 4pm) - $96.05 inclusive
*All guest fee charges MUST be charged to a member account.

Handicap Information

The Club's official handicap system is the current computer read-out. The computer is located near the Steward's Area in the lower foyer.  It is expected that members will enter all games, whether played at our course or away.

Outside Tournaments

The Club accepts Corporate or Association tournaments on Tuesdays only. Please consult the yearbook calendar, monthly newsletter and bulletin boards for weekly events and exact times.

Corporate Outings

Members are welcome to host small outings (up to 20 people) on Mondays or Thursdays only, one outing only per week.  These events must include a meal and be booked in advance by contacting our Events Co-Ordinator, Kelly Brooks.

When Can I Play Golf?

Your membership category designates the time that you can play golf. If a program or event is being held in the time that you are restricted from playing, you may not play in that program or event, with the exception to the Social Golf Category. Because programs may be gender specific, golfers who are not eligible to play in a particular program may not play at that time, even if their category privileges would allow them to play.

Hole In One Policy

All intermediate and senior golfers have mandatory HIO charge of $5 annually. Golfers billed once again when fund is low due to numerous HIO’s. Member who scores hole in one is issued a $50 gift certificate (used for F&B or pro shop). A HIO tab is opened club wide. There will be ONE complimentary drink per member. Only golfing members (who pay into the HIO fund) are eligible for a HIO drink. Guests or social members are not eligible for a complimentary drink. Club staff to manage this. The HIO tab is opened once the Pro shop has confirmed the HIO AND the member is present within the clubhouse. The HIO tab is closed once the golfer who scores the HIO exits the building. Board golf is provided with a HIO account summary at the end of every golf season. HIO counts for either 9 or 18 holes. In the event of a weather delay, the HIO is not official until the member enters their score as final (9 or 18) into the handicap computer (and confirmed by Pro shop). Every member who scores a HIO will receive a complimentary invitation to the yearend reception. For the purposes of HIO insurance, only HIO scored during regular member or member event play, will be recognized. Any HIO scored during outside tournament play does not qualify for HIO insurance.

Guest Policy & Regulations

Subject to such rules and to the payment of such green or other fees as may be determined from time-to-time by the Directors, a golf club member may introduce a guest or guests. The sponsoring member is responsible for all guests at all times they are on Club property. Guests are subject to the same rules and regulations as the sponsoring member. There will be a member present in each foursome.  There may be exceptions deemed appropriate by the General Manager or Golf Professional.

Members may introduce no more than 1 guest before 11:00 a.m.  on weekends and holidays.  Guest play will not be permitted on Wednesdays. Other days and times , a member may bring three guests. A member registers the guest(s) names with the Pro Shop when booking a tee time and must accompany his/her guest(s) on the course. If no guest name is registered a day in advance, the space will be made available.  (Revised July 2010)
An individual may play a maximum of three times per year at our club.  Members are responsible for their guest's playing fee.
Members-in-waiting may play up to ten times per year. Social member may play up to three times per year. Play is subject to green fees. Members in Waiting and Social Members wishing to play golf must make arrangements in advance with the Pro Shop. Starting times are at the discretion of the Pro Shop Staff.
Full Golfing Members may pre-purchase a book of ten nontransferable guest passes from the administration office for $1215.00 plus tax.  An upgrade fee will be charged to the member’s account when using a pass from the previous season if the current fee is greater. (Revised June 2024)